Wathnet is a modelling suite for the robust simulation of water resource systems. It is designed to support all stages of the model development cycle, including: the building of a model, the calibration of model parameters, the development of stochastic climate models, and the optimisation of system parameters and operating rules.
Model Building

Model building is facilitated by graphical user interface to enable the user to build a nodal schematic of a water resource system, and an advanced scripting interface to enable user to customise the performance of the system. Wathnet focuses on enabling the user to use high level operating rules to model a system, using a computational engine that supports complex distribution patterns, including loops.
Model Calibration

Wathnet includes multiple routines for the calibration of system parameters. The calibration routines are parameter agnostic and can be used to make the model best match a historic record.
Stochastic Inputs

The development of stochastic climate inputs are vital in the development of robust system models. Extending the length of the record beyond that which is usually available (~100 years) is critical to ensuring that stability is due to model parameters, and not just a reflection of the recorded climate. Wathnet includes the a two stage model for the development of long term climate variables. The first stage is the MSSSCAR model, which stands for Multi-Site, Multi-Season, Multi-State Contemporaneous AutoRegressive model. The second stage disaggregates the outputs of this model to simulation timesteps. Wathnet also supports the most critical step in the development of any stochastic climate data, it generates advanced statistics and diagnostics on the output of the model, to allow the user to decide if it is fit for purpose.

Once the model is developed and simulated there are often what-if questions, where the simulation has shown shortfalls in the system, or where the non stationary demand may cause future demand shortfalls. Wathnet allows the optimisation of any compination of system parameters through a genetic algorithm. The algorithm allows for the optimisation of multiple parameters with multiple constraints. In addition to optimising the parameters of any upgrade to the system, it is also possible to optimise the timing of an upgrade to meet future demand. A Wathnet install also includes the Pareto Viewer, which is a dedicated program for the exploration of results of multi-parameter optimisations.
If you believe that Wathnet is right for your project please do not hesitate to contact WMAwater to receive a trial version, organise a training session, or to purchase the software.